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Montering af indvendige isoleringsplader

Montering af indvendige isoleringsplader

We have been renovating and advising on basement problems for over two decades. Decentralized ventilation with heat recovery and insulation boards are two products that have made a huge difference.

Before we review why you should choose us to install your internal insulation boards, let’s review why it is a good idea to install insulation boards in eg basements and other places:

Why should you put up internal insulation boards in basements and other places?

  • Basement walls must be free of moisture and the wall material must therefore be open to diffusion (water can penetrate). If the walls do not get rid of the water, then it penetrates higher, destroys the walls and creates a breeding ground for mould, etc.
  • With a little insulation, it will be much cheaper to heat the outer walls. If you keep a higher temperature, you get less relative humidity.
  • Mold requires moisture and suitable material to grow on. Internal insulation boards remove moisture from the walls and make it very difficult for mold to grow, as it does not consist of organic material and has a high PH value.
  • If you go from a damp, cold cellar that may have mould, to a cellar with nice walls that are warm, dry and without mould, the usefulness and value of eg a basement.
  • Basements often don’t look so inviting, as the walls are marked by mould, plaster and paint falling off, salt extraction, moisture shields and then they are cold and damp. Internal insulation boards create walls that will enhance most living rooms.
  • Regulates humidity: Most old basements just need to get rid of as much humidity as possible. Rooms above basement level do best with humidity being regulated. It helps insulation boards absorb moisture when the air is very humid and release moisture when the air is dry.
  • The best argument for internal insulation boards is probably the problems with the alternative solutions, such as plasterboard and profiled boards that seal in moisture and are made of organic material, thus creating a breeding ground for mold and other fungi.

What is important when installing interior insulation boards?

We install internal insulation boards on all types of external walls. Due to the good properties in terms of moisture transport and resistance to mould , then we install the majority of them on basement walls . This does not mean that they are not suitable for other walls, but basement walls are now the walls that present the greatest challenges. If an insulation can cope with the walls of a basement with moisture and mold problems , then it can cope with the vast majority of problems.
That is why we concentrate mostly on talking about basement walls.

Analysis and advice

Before we get started, it is important to determine which problems we want to solve and whether there are problems that have been overlooked. Eg. if an external basement wall is very damp because there is a hole in a water pipe or well , then internal insulation boards will not solve the problem, especially if it gets worse over time.
Internal insulation boards are good at transporting moisture away from the wall and releasing it to the air. If the humid air is not sent outside, then it does not help much. Therefore, internal insulation boards and ventilation often belong very closely together.
We would rather say no thanks to a task where the result is not satisfactory and we thus do not get a happy customer.


In general, craftsmen are extremely bad at covering and cleaning. We make a virtue out of covering and thereby save many hours of cleaning. If you start sanding down a wall with mould , it not only produces fine brick dust, but also mold spores all over the house.

Basic work

The most important thing when installing internal insulation boards is the foundation work. The following must almost always be done:

  • We sand away paint, whitewash, wallpaper, loose plaster and anything else on the walls that shouldn’t be there. Otherwise, the boards will not be properly fixed and the moisture cannot be transported freely from the wall.
  • We treat the walls against mold both with steam at very high temperatures and chemically with ProtoxHysan and prevent with ProtoxSkimmel , so that we minimize mold on the inside.
  • We straighten the walls with special mortar that does not inhibit the transport of moisture

Now the wall is ready for the insulation boards .

Installation of insulation boards

The different brands have different special materials, tools and procedures. In order to maintain the warranty, the properties and achieve the highest quality, it is important to follow the instructions carefully.


For all brands, you must choose:

  • How thick sheets do you want? The thicker, the better the insulation, but it also takes up extra space and costs more in materials. Setup costs the same.
  • Smooth or a little more structure on the surface?
  • Which and how much electricity, switches and piping must be built into the existing wall.
  • Do you want ventilation built into the wall ?

Post processing

Finally, the walls must be painted. It is important that the paint is open to diffusion, so that the good moisture-transporting properties are not destroyed. We recommend a good environmentally friendly silicate paint .

More information

We make a point of informing about the best solutions. Here on the site you can read about basement renovation , SkamoWall , Multipor and use our calculator to calculate material consumption and costs for your project .

Contact, questions and offers

You are always welcome to contact us with questions and get an offer on 70 50 50 51.

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